Full Agenda


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Tuesday, November 7

12:00 - 7:00 PM

Room: Prefunction

2:30 - 5:45 PM

Preconference Workshop #1

Situational Social Security

Marc Kiner, Premier Social Security Consulting

Room: Cedar
CE Credits: 2 CFP CE - Retirement Savings and Income Planning; 2 NAPFA CE - Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits; 2 NASBA CPE - Finance

The seminar will focus on situational social security. Every client is in a different and unique situation. Clients may be single, married, divorced, surviving spouse, public employees, children, or even able to file a restricted application. Attendees will understand the questions and issues that relate to all clients and understand how to ask probing social security questions unlocking additional social security benefits for clients. Understanding social security will help advisors to connect with baby boomers. The universal language of baby boomers is social security.

Learning Objectives: 

1.) Understand social security retirement program eligibility.

2.) Understand situational social security. 

3.) Understand spousal benefits and divorce spouse benefits.

**additional registration required**
Register Here

2:30 - 4:00 PM

Preconference Workshop #2

Using Large Deductible Tax Strategies To Enhance A Business Owners Retirement Plan

David Podell, Business Benefits Consultants

Room: Birch
CE Credits: 1.5 CFP CE - Retirement Savings and Income Planning; 1.5 NAPFA CE - Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits; 1.5 NASBA CPE - Taxes ; 1 IRS CE - Federal Tax Law Topics/Federal Tax Related Matters

This presentation will cover the benefits of using cash balance and defined benefit plans as a tax strategy for small business owners. We will discuss the following:

• Why these plans are different from traditional retirement plans that are being used in the market

• The different plan designs and options that exist

• The type of business or solo proprietor that fits the ideal profile to take advantage of these solutions

• The breakdown on limits and IRS guidelines

• How a team of professionals can be aligned to make the plan a success

• Case studies that include combining your clients’ current plans with additional benefits

This presentation will provide you with the knowledge needed to identify and have discussions on this sophisticated tax strategy

**additional registration required**
Register Here

4:15 - 5:45 PM

Preconference Workshop #3

Asset Protection and Wealth Transfer Strategies

Thomas VanNessVanNess Law, PLLC

Room: Birch
CE Credits: 1.5 CFP CE - Investment Planning; 1.5 NAPFA CE - Investments; 1.5 NASBA CPE - Finance

Learn the legal strategies available to protect clients from lawsuits. From traditional strategies (such as LLCs and LPs) to modern strategies (asset protection trusts, land trusts, equity stripping, etc) we will demystify what works and what doesn’t work. We’ll also take a no non-sense approach to what strategies your clients should consider to reduce wealth transfer taxes and increase the income tax benefits available upon death.

Learning Objectives:

1.) How to reduce the likelihood clients are sued

2.) How to reduce the rights creditors have against clients if clients are sued

3.) How to use legal strategies to reduce taxes.

**additional registration required**
Register Here

6:30 - 8:30 PM

Welcome Reception
Room: Grand Ballroom

Wednesday, November 8

8:00 - 8:45 AM

Grand Ballroom

9:00 - 10:30 AM

Opening Comments and Featured Speaker

First Lead Yourself; Then Lead YOUR Way
Angela Herbert White, Angela Herbert White LLC

Room: Grand Ballroom
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE - General Principles of Financial Planning; 1 NAPFA CE - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 NASBA CPE - Business Management & Organization

Congratulations! There was a time when you only dreamed of being the leader you are today. Now, you see even more for yourself and for your future. How will you get there? Sure, you can lead in the way you've seen others do it. That will work – for a while. There's a point, though, when doing it their way makes you ineffective, inauthentic, and on the road to burnout. Why? Because you're not leading YOUR way.

When leaders live their values and know their strengths they are more ready and receptive to  growing, even in their weakest areas. They find they have more time, energy, and ideas to make a big impact in their communities and even in the world. Angela offers tools that will help you explore how to become that leader!

Learning Objectives:

1.) Understand traditional components of leadership development and how they can be more effectively used in a self-leadership development model.

2.) Understand how to use a self-reflective framework for leadership development.

10:30 - 11:00 AM

Break with Sponsors
Room: Grand Ballroom

11:00 - 11:50 AM

Breakout Sessions

Critical Conversations: How to Stop Avoiding Conflict and Start Communicating Confidently
Angela Herbert White, Angela Herbert White LLC

Room: Grand Ballroom
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE - General Principles of Financial Planning; 1 NAPFA CE - Communications; 1 NASBA CPE - Communications and Marketing

Let's face it. Critical conversations are not usually a leader's favorite part of the job. Still, in times of challenge, conflict, or crisis, they're necessary. Let's explore some strategies to:

• Stop avoiding critical conversations and start using them to find the solutions your team needs 

• Address critical conversations with clarity and confidence 

• Witness the positive changes that happen once the problems are addressed 

• See yourself as the strong leader you are

Learning Objectives:

1.) Learn how to identify when a critical conversation is needed.

2.) Learn the most important parts of preparing for critical conversations.

3.) Learn at least one formula for communicating in critical conversations

Situational Social Security for Women
Marc Kiner, Premier Social Security Consulting

Room: Cedar
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE - Retirement Savings and Income Planning; 1 NAPFA CE - Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits; 1 NASBA CPE - Finance

This session will focus on situational social security as it relates to common issues faced by women, including situational social security related to women including spousal benefits, surviving spouse benefits, children, public employee concerns, benefit calculation, divorce, and much, much more. 

Learning Objectives:

1.) Understand social security retirement program eligibility.

 2.) Understand situational social security.

3.) Understand spousal benefits and divorce spouse benefits

How to Add Value for Business Owners and High-Net-Worth Clients
Thomas VanNessVanNess Law

Room: Birch
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE - General Principles of Financial Planning; 1 NAPFA CE - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 NASBA CPE - Business Management & Organization

Business owners and HNW clients have unique needs. To distinguish yourself from other financial service providers, you have to see things from their perspective. We’ll teach you what business owners and HNW clients are looking for in a professional, and how to better service them. We’ll also cover how organizational charts (reflecting business organizations, trusts, etc.) should be designed for clients with operating companies, real estate, and personal assets.

Learning Objectives:

1.) How to structure a business organization using legal entities 

2.) Systems to better service HNW and business owners


Fighting Regency Bias
Steve Huxley, PhD, and Brent Burns, Asset Dedication

Room: Maple
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE - General Principles of Financial Planning;1 NAPFA CE - Investments; 1 NASBA CPE - Finance

“How is my long-term plan doing this week?” This old joke among planners points to a perennial
problem planners face: how to deal with clients’ recency bias – giving undue weight to the most recent
information, usually the most recent returns.

One way to fight recency bias is to simply present the facts. Do current returns forecast future returns?
That is, just how strongly is one day’s return correlated statistically with the next day’s return? How
about the following 2, 3, 4, or 5 days? How about this week’s return with the following week – or 2, 3, or
4 weeks? How about for months, quarters, years, and decades? We have examined it rigorously and this
talk will present the facts based on correlation analysis to demonstrate which time spans have
statistically significant results and which don’t. Can you guess?

Learning Objectives:

1.) Learn the most common forms of behavioral biases that clients exhibit when connecting with their advisors and the best ways to mitigate these biases.

2.) Get a quick primer on correlation analysis – its pros and cons. 

3.) Learn the facts about the magnitude of the correlations on returns for daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, and decade-long time spans.

12:00 - 1:30 PM

Lunch and Dessert with Sponsors: What's Happening in Other Associations
Grand Ballroom

1:30 - 2:20 PM

Breakout Sessions

Communicating Investment Principles

Joel Hefner, Dimensional Fund Advisors

Room: Birch
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE - Investment Planning; 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Investments; 1 NASBA CPE - Communications and Marketing

This presentation offers guidance on talking to clients about investing and explaining the advantages of
Dimensional's philosophy and approach. Advisors will learn how to more effectively communicate critical investment ideas with their clients. By effectively communicating powerful ideas in a way that is digestible to everyday investors who are not investment professionals, clients will be able to make better decisions about their finances.

Learning Objectives:

 1.) Advisors will review how prices reflect all available information - fairly priced securities can have different expected returns from one another - and that efficiently capturing higher expected returns requires expertise during implementation.

2.) Advisors will learn about how to communicate with clients regarding performance, the value the advisor plays in the advisor-client relationship, the benefits of global diversification, and the importance of discipline in an investment approach.

3.) Ideas, concepts, and illustrations are used to help distill complicated investment topics into easily communicated language in an effort to prepare for articulating to retail investors.

Special Needs Planning: How Is It Different?
Mary McDirmid, Special Abilities Network 

Room: Cedar 
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE - General Financial Planning Principles; 1 NAPFA CE - Financial Planning Process; 1 NASBA CPE - Finance

Let's spend some time together exploring the major differences from traditional financial planning and planning for those who have a loved one with special needs.  Families like mine have to balance benefits, estate planning and our own retirement at the same time.  Imagine planning for two lifetimes from a cash flow and the choices that need to be made along the way.  Let’s take a real look at what this looks like weaving these topics together. 

Learning Objectives:

1.) Planning for two lifetimes; how is this cash flow different for these families?

2.) What are outside of the traditional planning techniques we think about?

3.) What are major mistakes in planning we have seen?

Housing Wealth in Retirement Planning
Steve ReschFinance of America Reverse

Room: Grand Ballroom
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE - Retirement Savings and Income Planning; 1 NAPFA CE - Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits ; 1 NASBA CPE - Finance

Retirement planning has traditionally excluded home equity, however, for many of our clients this can represent 50% or more of their net worth. With income-tax-free proceeds, and no required monthly payment, the reverse mortgage can be an effective option to incorporate housing wealth into a retirement plan.

In this presentation, Steve will do an overview of how the program works, including eligibility and consumer safeguards. He will then share examples from his own practice of using a reverse mortgage to manage household cash flow, supplement an asset distribution strategy, and provide gap-funding to delay social security.

We will also look at how a reverse mortgage can be a safety net for long-term care risks, pay the taxes on Roth Conversions, and provide capital for gifting or other legacy objectives.

Finally, we will take a look at client profiles to help identify who best could enhance their retirement with a reverse mortgage, as well as who most likely should not consider them.

Learning Objectives:

1.) Gain a broad understanding of how a reverse mortgage works from start to finish.

 2.) Evaluate when this could be a good opportunity for your clients, and when it is not.

3.) Understand specific scenarios where a reverse mortgage can safeguard and enhance a retirement plan

Compliance Quiz Bowl: Like Trivia, but Better!
Lori Neidel & Scott SnipkieNeidel Law

Room: Maple
CE Credits: 1 CPF CE - Professional Conduct and Regulation; 1 NAPFA CE - Financial Planning Process; 1 NASBA CPE - Business Management & Organization

This presentation will test the attendee's knowledge in compliance areas important to their types of advisory firms. The attendees will be asked a series of questions to gauge their knowledge and sophistication in the areas of cybersecurity, custody, financial exploitation and communicating with clients.

Learning Objectives:

1.) Attendees will gain knowledge in relevant compliance areas.

2.) Attendees will be made aware of where gaps in their policies and procedures may be.

2:30 - 3:00 PM

Spotlight Sessions

Guarding Your Financial Future with Disability Insurance

Taylor West, LLiS

Room: Grand Ballroom
CE Credits: NA

Disability insurance is a financial safety net designed to provide income protection to individuals who become disabled and are unable to work. It serves as a crucial tool in ensuring financial stability and peace of mind in the face of unexpected health-related challenges. Learn about the special features and benefits available through disability insurance and how policies can be customized.

Learning Objectives:

1.) Key aspects of disability insurance underwriting – health and medical history, occupation and income, financial history

2.) Overview of special underwriting programs for young professionals

3.) How new business owners can qualify for disability coverage

Succession Planning - an Open Discussion
Kelly Adams, Harbor Light Planning

Room: Birch
CE Credits: NA

Join fellow ACP members for an open discussion about succession planning, mergers, acquisitions, and internal purchases. We encourage advisors who have gone through the process (successfully or not), and advisors considering entering a succession planning situation in the near future, to attend. This 30-minute session is designed to allow for sharing experiences, asking questions, and starting discussions.

Building Portfolios 101
Tim Caban, Copper Beech Advisors LLC

Room: Maple
CE Credits: NA

From conception to execution, learn the nuts and bolts of building portfolios across client households in a tax-smart way.

Learning Objectives:

1.) Set a target allocation

2.) Pick investment vehicles

3.) Create asset allocation portfolio

4.) Overlay asset location decisions

5.) Implement in portfolio

6.) Now or later - Dollar Cost Averaging Decisions

3:00 - 3:30 PM

Break with Sponsors
Grand Ballroom

3:40 - 4:30 PM

Breakout Sessions

Cancelled - How to Strengthen Relationships, Increase Share-of-Wallet, and Generate Effort-Free Referrals through Quality Content Creation and Digital Tools, Including ChatGPT and Other AI-Assisted Solutions
Jonny SwiftImpact Communications
Colin SwiftImpact Communications
Miriam Whiteley, LifeCraft Financial Planning

Room: Cedar
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE - General Principles of Financial Planning; 1 NAPFA CE - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 NASBA CPE - Communications and Marketing

Not every ACP member wants to grow, but it could be argued that all ACP members want to maintain the business they already have while strengthening relationships with their current clients and the next generation, ultimately leading to more share-of-wallet, better referrals, and effort-free, consistent business success. Join ACP marketing coaches Jonny Swift and Colin Swift of Impact Communications, as well as ACP Member Miriam Whiteley, as they discuss: 

  • Client communications strategies such as newsletters, blogs, podcasts, webinars, videos, and client surveys as a way to stay in touch and deepen client relationships and how AI such as ChatGPT and other digital tools can aid in the content creation process
  • Messaging to reassure clients that you are still hyper-relevant to their lives, still actively engaged and investing in your business (not retiring) and able to take on new, right-fit clientele if referred by them (e.g., their friends, colleagues, family members, kids), and interested in caring for their total net worth, with everything under your careful watch and advice
  • How communicating your continuity and/or succession plan builds confidence and trust and helps with retention
  • How to create authentic, personable content that resonates with next gen clients and children of current clients by lifting the veil to show behind the scenes into the character and culture of your firm 

As a bonus, the trio will provide use case examples and quick tips for those just getting started with AI for content creation. If YOU have been playing with AI for content creation, we invite you to stand and share your experience and additional ideas with the room.

Added - Using Large Deductible Tax Strategies To Enhance A Business Owners Retirement Plan

David Podell, Business Benefits Consultants

Room: Cedar
CE Credits: TBD

This presentation will cover the benefits of using cash balance and defined benefit plans as a tax strategy for small business owners. We will discuss the following:

• Why these plans are different from traditional retirement plans that are being used in the market

• The different plan designs and options that exist

• The type of business or solo proprietor that fits the ideal profile to take advantage of these solutions

• The breakdown on limits and IRS guidelines

• How a team of professionals can be aligned to make the plan a success

• Case studies that include combining your clients’ current plans with additional benefits

This presentation will provide you with the knowledge needed to identify and have discussions on this sophisticated tax strategy.

Cybersecurity for Tax Pros
Neki CoxInternal Revenue Service

Room: Grand Ballroom
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE - Tax Planning; 1 IRS CE - Federal Tax Law Update; 1 NAPFA CE - Technology; 1 NASBA CPE - Information Technology

Learn about the Safeguard Rules cybersecurity mandates which became effective this June and what you might still need to set up. IRS will provide a summary and cover the IRS Written Information Security Plan (WISP) template to make meeting these requirements easier. Also learn why tax practitioners should promote the Identity Protection PIN program to their clients.

Learning Objectives:

1.) The Safeguard Rules have become requirements as of June this year.

2.) The Written Information Security Plan (WISP) template the IRS offers for FREE helps meet one of these mandates.

3.) Why should you promote the IRS Identity Protection PIN program to your clients?

Take More Vacation, Help More Clients, Make More Money
John SchererTrinity Financial Planning

Room: Birch
CE Credits: 1 NAPFA CE - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 NASBA CPE - Business Management & Organization

After John took off a significant part of 2012 when his children were born, he began to wonder why he had been working so many hours and if there was a better way. In this session he will share what he has learned in the decade since that allows him to take 100 days of vacation annually while business revenue and profits have each multiplied. Attendees will learn about the highly scalable systems his firm has in place that have facilitated this type of practice.

Learning Objectives:

1.) Learn how to structure and execute meeting cycles (preparation, presentation, follow up) to deliver tremendous value efficiently.

2.) Learn communication methods for serving clients well while being proactive rather than reactive.

Bridging the Gap: How to Talk to Clients About Tapping into Their Home Equity
Jerry Auippa, Longbridge Financial
Room: Maple
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE - Retirement Savings and Income Planning; 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits; 1 NASBA CPE - Finance

Elderly homeowners own more than $11 trillion in home equity, and many are struggling with a financial plan that fully funds their lifetime expenses, yet financial advisors often overlook this hidden wealth.  Why?  In this presentation, we take a deep dive into the FHA Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) and new attractive and low-cost proprietary products to understand how it can improve the retirement plans of clients, protect against longevity risk, be optimized to fit with client goals, and to do so in an ethical and compliant manner. Home equity is one of the largest sources of assets for clients, and reverses mortgages can unlock this hidden wealth in a safe and standardized manner.  With new, best interest and compliance standards for financial advisors, the value of considering home equity in the planning process is growing.

Learning Objectives:

1.) Review changes to the HECM program over the past several years that have strengthened consumer protections.

2). Understand the core foundation of reverse mortgages including qualification, ongoing requirements, consumer protections, costs, disbursement of funds, credit line growth, and settlement.

3.) Demonstrate impact of funds from home equity in improving outcomes for retirement planning and estate planning.

4.) Apply HECM/private reverse mortgage strategies using web-based learning tool for three case studies.

 5.) Adhere to compliance considerations of when and how to present a reverse mortgage.

4:45 - 5:30 PM

Under the Trees
Grand Ballroom, Cedar, Birch, Maple

6:30 - 8:00 PM

DFA Happy Hour
Terrace Room East (Floor 2)

8:00 - 10:00 PM

G2 Social
Room: Off Site (FlatStick)

Thursday, November 9

8:00 - 8:45 AM

Breakfast With Committee Reports
Grand Ballroom

9:00 - 10:00 AM

Featured Speaker

Using College Planning to Add Value to Your Clients' and Your Practice
Ann Garcia, The College Financial Lady / Independent Progressive Advisors

Room: Grand Ballroom
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE - General Principles of Financial Planning ; 1 NAPFA CE - Financial Planning Process; 1 NASBA CPE - Finance

Early in her career as an advisor, Ann noticed that clients had so many questions about college—and very few advisors were willing to tackle those questions. Since she kept hearing the same questions again and again (and wanted the answers herself), she started writing down answers in blog format, and The College Financial Lady was born. Ann has developed a wealth of content on this topic through research, interaction with readers, and personal experience as she put her knowledge to the test with her twins! Planning for college isn’t impossible— and it is important! Learn how to use college planning in your work to add value to your clients and to your practice.

Learning Objectives:

1.) Understand the pros and cons of different college savings vehicles.

2.) Understand actual college costs and savings targets for clients.

3.) Be able to differentiate between the three types of scholarships and help clients identify what their student is eligible for.

4.) Understand the FAFSA including FAFSA Simplification changes.

5.) Understand non-financial elements of the college planning process.

10:10 - 11:00 AM

Breakout Sessions

Tech Stack for a Growing Practice
Meredith Briggs,
Taconic Advisors

CE Credits: 
1 NAPFA CE - Technology; 1 NASBA CPE - Information Technology

Meredith Briggs joined Taconic Advisors eight years ago when Chip Simon ran the firm as a solo-advisor, excel-based practice. As the firm grew both in number of clients and number of staff, organizing information and using technology to streamline processes grew in importance. Meredith will share her story of going from a totally manual firm to one with an integrated tech stack, multiple offices, remote employees, and many more clients. Meredith’s presentation will leave you with an understanding of how Taconic Advisors arrived at their present use of tech and how you might evaluate and adopt tech resources into your own practice.

Learning objectives:

1.) Time management: Ways to save time by leveraging technology. 

2.) Scaling for growth: How to consider investing in tech as your team grows.

3.) Modernize your business: Stay organized and look professional with the right tech stack

Money, Meaning, and Happiness
Bridget Sullivan Mermel,
Sullivan Mermel, Inc.

Grand Ballroom
CE Credits:
1 CFP CE - General Principles of Financial Planning; 1 NAPFA CE - Communications; 1 NASBA CPE - Communications and Marketing

In the financial planning industry, we depend on research to make investment decisions. Then we wing it when helping clients make those complex, non-linear financial choices that can truly matter. One tool to help us make decisions that can make both clients and advisers happier are values.

Session Highlights:

1. Cutting-Edge Research: Dive into the latest research on values and gain insights that can inform your practice and personal life.

2. Real-World Application: Discover practical strategies for incorporating the power of values into your financial advisory work, efficiently unlocking a deeper understanding of your clients; true needs.

3. Defining Your Target Market: Use values as a powerful tool to articulate and define your target market, allowing for more effective and personalized financial planning.

Aligning financial decisions with values can lead to not only monetary success, but also more meaningful and fulfilling lives for your clients, ultimately making you a more satisfied and successful advisor. Get at what’s important without booking a retreat on a mountain top. Description 

Optimizing Taxes for Retirees Who Consult Post Career
Matthew Lincoln,
Cadence Planning LLC

CE Credits:
1 CPF CE - Tax Planning; 1 NAPFA CE - Income Tax Planning; 1 NASBA CPE - Taxes

Lots of highly skilled professionals chose to follow their "Last Act", with another act and consult in retirement. This creates a unique set of tax planning opportunities and perils. This course will step through choosing a business structure, incorporating family, structuring benefits, and designing payroll for the retiree who keeps working!

Learning Objectives:

1.) Attendees will be able to identify the big three issues that drive tax planning for retirees who consult.

2.) Attendees will be able to walk clients through choice of entity conversation.

3.) Attendees will be able to explain how family can be incorporated into a business plan.

Insurance Review: Real Life Examples of Delivering Value
John Scherer,
Trinity Financial Planning

CE Credits:
1 CFP CE - Risk Management and Insurance Planning; 1 NAPFA CE - Insurance & Risk Management; 1 NASBA CPE - Business Management & Organization

Many advisors find insurance confusing and are unsure of themselves when reviewing it for their clients. This session will walk through examples of actual client situations that have come up in the insurance review process and places where an advisor can deliver value. Remember – most people have never had someone look at their insurance who was not trying to sell them more insurance!

Learning Objectives:

1.) Be able to identify potential gaps in clients’ insurance coverage.

2.) Learn methods for communicating about insurance issues with clients and their insurance agents.

11:00 - 11:30 AM

Break with Sponsors
Grand Ballroom

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Featured Speaker

What You Should Have Already Done about Secure 2.0 and What to Do Next
Steven Jarvis, Retirement Tax Services

Room: Grand Ballroom
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE - Tax Planning; 1 IRS CE - Federal Tax Law Update; 1 NAPFA CE - Income Tax Planning; 1 NASBA CPE - Taxes

With SECURE 2.0 being signed into law, every blogger, podcaster, media outlet, and self-proclaimed tax guru is on overdrive trying to make the biggest headlines, but what does this all mean for you, your clients, and your practice? Join Steven to learn what Secure Act 2.0 means in your practice, and take home specific, actionable advice you can implement today.

Learning Objectives:

1.) Attendees will understand key provisions of Secure that have the potential to impact their clients' taxes.

 2.) Attendees will learn best practices for communicating tax law changes and uncertainty around tax rules.

3.) Attendees will leave with a framework for being proactive vs. reactive when it comes to long-term tax planning including around inherited IRAs.

12:30 - 1:45 PM

Lunch: Top Tips 2023
Grand Ballroom

2:00 - 2:50 PM

Breakout Sessions

A Practical Discussion on Actually Getting Tax Planning Done for Your Clients
Steven Jarvis
Retirement Tax Services

Grand Ballroom
CE Credits:
 1 CFP CE - Tax Planning; 1 IRS CE - Federal Tax Law Topics/Federal Tax Related Matters; 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Income Tax Planning; 1 NASBA CPE - Taxes

This session will be an interactive discussion on what it takes to actually do tax planning in the real world. Steven Jarvis, CPA, has worked directly with hundreds of advisors across the country and spoken to thousands on this topic and will help you understand what it takes to deliver value through tax planning to your clients. The who, what, when, where, and how along with common pitfalls to avoid and ample opportunity for audience members to ask questions and get help with the roadblocks they are facing.

Learning Objectives:

1.) Attendees will understand common obstacles (logistical and compliance) to tax planning and how to overcome them.

2.) Attendees will learn how successful advisors are approaching common tax planning strategies with their clients.

3.) Attendees will leave with specific actions they can take to improve tax planning within their practices.

Niche Markets: How to Differentiate Yourself
Mary McDirmid,
Special Abilities Network

CE Credits:
1 CFP CE - General Financial Planning Principles; 1 NAPFA CE - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 NASBA CPE - Communications and Marketing

As more advisors enter the space, just being a good, experienced advisor is no longer sufficient to differentiate yourself. Getting more focused toward a niche gives you the opportunity to truly set yourself apart and discover your true passion.  Find out how I found my niche in helping families with special needs children and learn the steps to find your own niche and how to market to those individuals.

Learning Objectives:

1.) Do you know your ideal client's traits? How can knowing this help you?

2.) How are you communicating to your clients clearly on whom you would like to work with?

3.) Do you know how to segment your book effectively?

 4.) Once you have done the above, how are you marketing to your target audience?

Integrating a Virtual Assistant into Your Practice
John Dulmage,
Financial Pathways
Sophie Kaluziak, Vista Financial Planning

CE Credits:
 1 NAPFA CE - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 NASBA CPE - Personal Development

Our speakers will provide a look at having a virtual assistant (VA) help get work done in a practice. John and Sophie will describe what lead them to getting a VA, how they utilize their VA, the legal relationship (employee or contractor), how they supervise the work, and lessons learned along the way. There will be time left for Q&A and discussion.

Learning Objectives:

1.) Determine if you need a virtual assistant or virtual paraplanner.

2.) Learn where to find virtual assistants.

3.) Discuss best practices for virtual assistants.

How to Design Your Financial Life Planning Style
Miriam Whiteley
LifeCraft Financial Planning

CE Credits:
 1 CFP CE - General Principles of Financial Planning; 1 NAPFA - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 NASBA CPE - Business Management & Organization

Miriam Whitely has developed her style of financial life planning to fit her market niche. She will describe the various approaches she has tried and what she has evolved to use in her practice today. Miriam’s presentation will leave you with an understanding of how she arrived at her present use and how you might evaluate and adopt life planning and financial transitions resources into your own practice. 

Learning Objectives:

1.) Learn how to find your style and consistent process for delivering human-first or life-centered financial planning from lessons learned from an ACP colleague who specializes in navigating financial transitions and animating goals and values with her clients.

2.) Understand how to evaluate and adopt life planning and financial transition resources into your financial planning practice.

 3.) Recognize how your style could help you define your ideal client, market niche, or zone of genius.

    2:50 - 3:15 PM

    Coffee Break

    3:15 - 4:30 PM

    ACP Annual Membership Meeting
    Grand Ballroom

    4:45 - 5:30 PM

    Under The Trees
    Grand Ballroom, Cedar, Birch, Maple

    6:00 - 10:00 PM

    Special Event | Barrister Winery

    Please gather at ACP Registration in the Grand Ballroom Pre-function space between 6:00 and 6:30 p.m. Our first bus will depart at 6:15 p.m. with our early guests, and a final bus will depart at 6:45. Dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m. Return trips to the Davenport Grand will begin at 9:00 p.m.

    We look forward to seeing you there! 

    Friday, November 10

    8:00 - 8:45 AM

    Breakfast with Board Members
    Grand Ballroom

    9:00 - 9:50 AM

    Breakout Sessions

    Tax Planning and Investing for the Next Generation
    Richard Salmen, Family Investment Center
    Linda Leitz, Peace of Mind Financial Planning, Inc.

    Room: Birch
    CE Credits: 1 CFP CE - Tax Planning; 1 NAPFA CE - Investments; 1 NASBA CPE - Taxes

    Transitioning from tax planning to investing: When do we take our financial planning from the client to the beneficiaries? 

    Learning Objectives:

    1.) Determining the late-in-life appropriate asset allocation for clients.

    2.) Meeting your fiduciary duty to your client while considering their heirs.

    3.) Navigating intergenerational client relationships.

    Lessons Learned: Best Ideas and Worst Mistakes from Startup to Sale
    Ken Robinson, Practical Financial Planning, Inc.

    Room: Maple
    CE Credits: 1 NAPFA CE - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 NASBA CPE - Business Management & Organization

    Since March 2000, Ken Robinson has been running his own financial planning practice. In that time, he's made innumerable decisions about his business. Some have been great, others he wish he could do over. What are the most important lessons from a career's worth of choices about owning, running, and working day-to-day in a fiduciary, fee-only, holistic financial planning practice?

    Learning Objectives:

    1.) Understand the importance of making the most of what you're naturally good at.

     2.) Discover the key skill for dealing with essential aspects of your practice that aren't your strong suit.

    3.) Identify the most important questions to ask when determining the right next step for development of your practice.

    9:50 - 10:15 AM

    Grand Ballroom

    10:15 AM - 12:15 PM

    Featured Speaker

    Ethics CE: CFP Board’s Revised Code and Standards
    Linda LeitzPeace of Mind Financial Planning

    Grand Ballroom
    CE Credits: 
    2 CFP CE Credit - Professional Conduct and Regulation; 2 NAPFA CE - Ethics

    Attention CFPs! This program fulfills the requirement for CFP Board-approved Ethics CE. This program is designed to educate CFP® professionals on CFP Board's new Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct, which became effective October 1, 2019. 

    Learning Objectives:

    1.) Understand the structure and content of the revised Code and Standards, including significant changes from prior rules.

    2.) Describe CFP board’s fiduciary duty.

    3.) Identify material conflicts of interest and how to avoid, or fully disclose, obtain informed consent, and manage them.

    4.) Understand the Duty to Report to CFP board and the Duty to Cooperate.

    5.) Identify the practice standards when providing financial advice that require financial planning.

    6.) Understand the Duty to Provide information to clients when providing financial advice and/or financial planning.